my 1:1 Sessions
I specialise in awareness languages, tools created to support us in the process of fulfilling our own potential.
All sessions last 90 minutes and cost 70 euros.
Human Design
Human Design is a system that provides a practical tool for self-discovery and correct decision-making. It is a synthesis of ancient and modern sciences, and has proven to be a valuable tool for human understanding.
A session with Human Design gives you an overview of the system as well as insights into your own unique set up. We will look at your body graph, explore together your decision making strategy and inner authority, as well as your main sources of conditioning.
You will leave with an understanding of the basics of the Human Design system, and a path of exploration for yourself related to your own chart.
Numerology is the symbolic analysis of numbers. It is a tool of self exploration: by identifying the numbers that constitute your theme, we can highlight your talents, needs and hindrances.
There are three types of sessions I offer:
Main Theme: we look at your numerology theme, which consists of your “soul plane”, your personality and main life cycles.
Year Plan: we look at the specific energies of the calendar year for you, and how they can inform your decision making.
Numerology for relationships and teams: we can use numerology to explore the dynamics of couples, teams and businesses.
Integration Coaching
This service is a mix between life coaching and talk therapy, where I use my experience guiding and holding space for others to accompany you on your path.
Whether for a specific life situation or for general life orientation, I accompany you on a path of integration, helping you embody the wisdom and integrity you desire.
The best format for this Integration Coaching is regular meetings: once a month, for example, giving us time to develop trust and explore different themes that are relevant in your life currently.